
During the night Friday (after The Big Dig) a very wet weather system slithered up from the South. The home rain gauge in St Paul measured over 2 inches yesterday morning, and it’s been heavy dew-to-light drizzle ever since. Why do humans feel so powerless against the forces of drought? All ya gotta do is get your car washed, or clean your windows (the outside, duh), or hey, I dunno, maybe try jacking up something that weighs over a hundred tons*, drive it across the bumpy field where it resides now, then thirty miles down the road, then across another bumpy overgrown yard and onto cribbing that sits in a muddy four-foot-deep hole.

Not feeling blessed with good timing, that’s for sure.

* based on a Google search result from the Seattle Times that says a single story house weighs about 200 lb/square foot.

But the fine print says “including foundation” which of course doesn’t apply, so I continue browsing Google’s ‘People Also Ask…’ section, which rapidly devolves into completely irrelevant questions like “how much does the stuff in my 2-BR apartment weigh?” and finally I bottom out in a Quora thread with “Q: how much do you weigh? A: I’m 122 pounds, 5 foot 5. I could lose some thigh…”

Then I find an ad-riddled website that starts with the same 200 lb/square foot, but says this is NOT including foundation. Other sites says 275 lb/square foot. These people are all paraphrasing each other…. So many assertions, so little reliable fact.

So my house probably weighs less than 100 tons, but whatever. It’s still raining.




(ahem) Yesterday was a VERY BIG DAY